Paint Removal & Timber Beam Cleaning and Restoration Essex

For Beam cleaning and restoration in Essex, blasting can be done sympathetically using an experienced blasting operator. Original timber beams and panelling that have had years of accumulated paint or stain applied, can be cleaned back and restored to reveal the wood in its natural state. Renovations to older properties can be greatly enhanced by cleaning the existing timbers and allowing the natural colour of the wood to be restored.
Hard wood doors and staircases can also be cleaned in this manner and the results can add charm to a refurbished property.
New oak structures, or extensions to old can be blasted to remove staining and grime and also to help blend both together.
We have built up many years of experience and expertise in this field and offer a comprehensive service. Site visits can be arranged and a sample blast undertaken where necessary. Blastit only uses approved abrasives that are non-silica, inert substances and conform to the current safety legislation. We have a database of past projects undertaken and can offer details to support the results that we have achieved.
A sample blast can be arranged to ascertain the grade of abrasive and pressure that will be required in order to achieve the optimum results possible. Blastit offer a timber beam cleaning and restoration service that includes masking and protection as well as sweeping and clearing the resulting debris on completion. Each of these elements can be included in our price, or a cost for blast cleaning only can be given.
Blastit Limited carried out blast cleaning for Galliford Try in 2012 in what was called the Powder Rooms which is now the Serpentine Sackler Gallery, Hyde Park, London.
The brickwork and timber beams can be seen there today.

Blastit recently in Hertfordshire blast cleaned exterior timbers to take the oak back to its original appearance.